Body-Mind Tools
Free Daily Practices
Affordable 1-to-1 Sessions
& Live Group Circles
The Pieces Make the Whole
To get closer to deeper happiness, it helps to have a mosaic of practices to let every piece of us connect and shine. What you’ll find here:
- Daily Practices. Nine themes and concrete practices for body-mind wellbeing.
- 1-to-1 Sessions. Be personally guided in a few simple practices. Affordable, and a practical step to beginning a new daily routine.
- Group Circles. Live online groups to de-stress, connect and grow together. Please join us.
Lifting Off
“My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.”
Isaac Newton
Daily Practices
loosely arranged — begin anywhere
Made to Move
In our sedentary world, simple and frequent everyday movement may be better for us than structured ‘exercise’ like weight training or sports. [LEARN MORE]
Less is More
More important to health and wellbeing than what we eat or drink, the power of our breath remains largely invisible and untapped yet right under our nose. [LEARN MORE]
Vibrate to Harmony
Sound is our fastest, always-on and most reliable sense. Sound and music are also a quick portal to deep focus, relaxation and rapture. [LEARN MORE]
Touch is Primordial
Along with air, food, and water, touch is a basic and primal need. Deprived of it, we become addled, aggressive, and lonely. With it, we grow to our full potential. [LEARN MORE]
We Are What We Eat
Eating an unprocessed, high-fiber, close-to-nature diet is an act of self love that boosts your energy and keeps you slim and trim. [LEARN MORE]
Our True Ground
If you’re like most people, you rarely touch the surface of the Earth. This lack of ‘vitamin-G’ (ground) may have unintended consequences. [LEARN MORE]
It’s All Real
When we tap into mental imagery constructively, we reclaim a profound language of the heart as well as a new world of possibility. [LEARN MORE]
Experimental Metaphysics
If you can slow down and fully notice what’s experienced, you may be surprised at the subtle richness within. [LEARN MORE]
The Liminal & Imaginal
We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Our nightly dreams can be staggeringly creative and starkly honest, offering unique ways to insight. [LEARN MORE]
“Love is space and time measured by the heart.”
Marcel Proust
1-to-1 Online Sessions
First Session: Relax & Unwind.
Schedule a 30-minute introductory session and be led step-by-step in simple ways to relax the body and quiet the mind. Some of what we may cover includes:
- Body Movement & Touch – Soothing touch & release practice to relax and feel into your body.
- Breath & Sound – Exercises like melodic numbers and the subtle breath to take you back to full and carefree respiration.
- Imagery – Guided imagery to help reduce stress.
“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Live Group Circles
Laughter Circle
More Smiles, Less Serious
Re-learn the lost adult art of laughing for no reason at all. If you can laugh for no reason at all, perhaps you can be happy for no reason at all. [LEARN MORE]
Tapping Circle
Tap it Out
Who would have guessed that tapping ~13 points on your face and upper body could so quickly lighten your load? [LEARN MORE]
Group Intention Circle
Open Hearts
Help yourself and others through life’s challenges. We’ll share and send group intention energy to each other and the world. [LEARN MORE]
“I began to fear [it] was not quite so romantic as I had imagined ... there was something very real and worklike about it.”
Mark Twain
Guiding Principles
Slow down and do some (inner) work … daily. Just like in finance, the compounding effect will be immense.
Find a good system to work smart. Do your homework, be systematic. Luckily, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel.
Commit to a practice and do it daily for 30 days. It’ll take time for deeper effects to emerge. If you find it useful, continue for another 60 days.
Be earnest and disciplined, but not overly driven or in a rush.
Find communities to learn from, and be supported by diverse teachers and peers.
Be like a good chef. At some point, there’s no recipe that wouldn’t benefit from adding a pinch of something all your own to make the taste just right for you.
Humility keeps us grounded and generous. It also keeps us grateful for the ecosystem of support we’ve had from family, friends, teachers and other forces in our life, without which we cannot grow or develop.
Some blood, sweat and tears are more or less mandatory, though practice can over time become increasingly powerful and poignant.
Move beyond light entertainment or chasing ‘highs’. There may be awe-inspiring experiences along the way, but check to see if they’re followed by a ‘hangover’, which could be a sign of moving too fast or being off balance in some way. Adopt a more ‘golden mean’, long-term mindset and perspective. You’ll see the general level of calm, satisfaction and resilience lift substantially over time.
Have fun! Avoid making what your doing into another competition or ‘attainment’. Find time to laugh, dance and sing. Allow yourself to be silly and free, and try not to take yourself too seriously.
No single practice is the best for all jobs. Test several diverse ones and develop a few. Have a broad schema and open mind to all ancient and modern body-mind craft traditions. Having different crafts/practices and perspectives also takes the edge off the ego or pride that can come if you think you’ve found the ‘best’ one.
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.”
Lao Tzu