Laughter is Medicine
Laughter has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. The positive effects of laughter can last 24 hours. Regular sessions of 10-15 minutes can produce profound change. Learn to laugh as a daily exercise, just like going for a run or swimming. It’s powerful medicine.
Hesitant to laugh and be silly if it’s not 100% ‘real’? It may surprise you that the body-mind can’t tell the difference. And real laughter will emerge soon enough, so you get the same benefits either way.

““We don’t laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh.”
William James
Laughter Circle
Laugh for no reason at all. You don’t need to be smart or witty. The focus is on NOT using your brain to laugh. Laughter exercises bring laughter out of the mind and into the body. Just laugh for the sake of laughing.
If it’s promoted by Stanford University, there must be something to it!
Join Us
Second and Fourth Tuesdays
8:00pm-8:20pm Singapore
8:00am-8:20am New York
2:00am-2:20pm Brussels
Affordable for access to all.
Please be ready to join with audio and video.
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”
Comedian Victor Borge
Laughter for no reason as an exercise was started in India by Dr. Madan Kataria in the mid 1990s. For a quick idea of what you’re getting yourself and your belly into, laugh along with Dr. Kataria.
“The more you laugh for no reason, the more life will give you reasons to laugh.”
Madan Kataria, M.D.